Nana's Knitting Shop

Knitting tales of a lifelong knitter
and yarn shop owner.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Good News and the Not So Good News...

The good news is that the Botanica Medallion is done. I love it and it fits really well. The class was a blast and most everyone was ready to put their Botanica together on Tuesday night. Joan even wore hers to the class! They are all really lovely. I'm wearing mine today and I'll hang it in the Shop if you'd like to stop by and see it.

Here are several of my typically lousy pictures. One day soon, I really need to learn how to use my camera and Photoshop. It's much prettier in person.

And now for the not so good news...

Remember the beautiful Latvian Vest I made for Dad for Valentine's Day? Remember I blocked the heck out of it so it would fit? Remember I thought my gauge got wonky after I started knitting it? Well, it was a little more than wonky.

I went home to Massachusetts to see my family and I asked Dad about the lovely Latvian Vest.

"Dad, have you worn the vest?"
"Umm, no. It's beautiful, really beautiful, honey, but it's a little snug."
"Try it on for me and let's a little look-see."

So Dad tried it on.

"A little snug, Dad? It's WAY TOO SMALL!"
"Umm, yes, it's way too small. Why don't you take it back with you and give it to your husband."
"Geez, Dad, it won't fit him either. Maybe it will fit me or maybe it will just be a beautiful Shop model."

So, the lovely Latvian vest made the trek back to Chicago and it's now hanging in the Shop - a most beautiful Shop model until Winter when I will wear it.

Needless to say, I'm now on a mission from God to knit Dad a beautiful new vest. And, here's the one I've chosen.

It's the Hillhead Slipover from Anne Feitelson's gorgeous book, The Art of Fair Isle Knitting. I checked and rechecked my gauge. I have all the colors of Spindrift I need - there are a whopping 10 of them, I've cast on all 328 stitches and have started the ribbing. Oh, and while I was home, I took Dad's measurements (what a novel idea) so this time, the darn thing will fit!

Dad's birthday is August 15th. Today is July 30, what kind of lunatic am I to think I can have it done by then?

How about a Friday Fair Isle Knit Along, people? I need to put my knitting mojo into high gear!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Clearance Sale This Weekend!

On Friday and Saturday, July 24 & 25, we're having a huge summer clearance sale! Yarn will be 15-40% off and select books will be 15% off. We're gearing up for a big Fall season!

All of the Fall yarn has been ordered and will start arriving in August. New yarns from Classic Elite, Auracania, Cascade, Noro, Simply Shetland, Sublime and others will be rolling in and I'm very excited!

I also have some very big surprises up my sleeve so be sure to watch this space for special announcements.

Must get ready for the sale! Be sure to come by.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Whew! That's A Lot of Knitting

We are making significant progress in our Botanica Medallion class. Everyone's medallion is done and the outer band knitting has begun.

Here's mine:

I'm close to finishing the outer band which currently measures 42 inches! The yarn is one of my all time favorite cottons - King Tut. The drape and sheen of this yarn is just beautiful and the pattern by Shiri Mor is very clever. I'm can't wait to wear it!

I'm also working on the Origata Pillow for the steeking class in August. The pattern calls for cotton, but I'm using another of my favorite yarns, Dolly, because the range of colors is amazing and my new couch is brown and gold!

This is the front:

And here is the back:

See that little section up the middle? Those are steeking stitches and right smack up the middle is where we're going to cut the back open!

If you've ever thought about making a a fair isle sweater, this class is perfect. It's a small project using little yarn and you'll learn all of the techniques you'll need to make a fair isle cardigan! You'll learn how do a provisional cast on, how to knit fair isle, how to carry your floats, how to read a chart, and last, but not least, how to steek and finish your cut edge!

In other knitting news...

I had an opportunity to see one of my students' completed Aran afghans in it's natural habitat and so I've asked all who have finished it to send me a picture showing me where it lives! What a difference it makes seeing these works of art in someone's house rather than on my knitting table!

Here is Patrice's completed afghan. Doesn't it look beautiful?

Speaking of afghans...we've all chosen our colors for the Great North American Afghan which we'll start at the end of this month. I can't believe how much I'm looking forward to starting a new one! I've really missed making a square a month.