Nana's Knitting Shop

Knitting tales of a lifelong knitter
and yarn shop owner.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Vest, How do I Stall Thee?

Let me count the ways.

Here's one way...

I just couldn't resist these darling slippers. They'll be the topic of a class starting on Wednesday, November 4 at 6:30 p.m. Click here for all the details.

Here's another way...

This is our 4th Square for the Great North American Afghan. It was designed by the great Pam Allen.

Another way...

This is the start of the Bex sock by Cookie A. from her book, Sock Innovation. They will look like this when they grow up. P.S. They are being done on Signature double points which make cables soooo much easier when you're using tiny needles.

And finally the last way I've been stalling on The Vest...

Meet Animal Crackers, the most darling baby sweater. Both the slippers and this little gem are from Knitted Gifts, the greatest compilation of patterns in a book that I've seen in a long time. The back is done and as you can see, the front is just about done too.

Here's what it will look like finished:

I will scheduling a class for this sweater soon.

I've been putting away lots of new yarn and books that you really should stop by and see...

For baby:
More books and yarn...
In my defense, I also knit one more repeat of The Vest and only have one half of a repeat to go before I start the armholes. Also in my defense (I am a woman of many excuses, aren't I), I lost Dad's measurements. He's coming in for the weekend so I'll measure him again and this time, I'll put the note where I can't possibly lose it.

I'm always amazed how much knitting I can get done when I'm avoiding the one thing I'm supposed to be knitting.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's our 4th Anniversary!

Please join us on Sunday, October 18 at 1:00 p.m. for anniversary cake! The first 20 people to arrive will receive a little goodie bag and we'll have a special project raffle.

It will be a fun day.

The November Class Schedule is up and there you'll find lots of great small projects - perfect for Christmas gifts. The Class samples are all here so stop by and take a peek.

I just received another giant shipment of new Fall yarn! Stop by to see the latest colors of Silk Garden and Kureyon from Noro and their newest yarn, Retro.

Sublime's Baby Cashmere Silk is here and the colors are really beautiful.

New from Araucania - Aysen, Azapa, Panguipulli, and Ruca.

I hope you'll join us on the 18th!

Friday, October 02, 2009

I am Mr. Ben!

"I'm big, I'm bad and I'm done. You know who can now get back to business. Humanity, my foot, she was stalling. Enough said.

"Here's Dad's vest which she now has no excuse not to knit."

"And here's square three of the Great North American Afghan."