Nana's Knitting Shop

Knitting tales of a lifelong knitter
and yarn shop owner.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Aghans A Go-Go Part II

Great American Aran Afghan - 17 down, only 3 to go!

Here are the two I just finished. (The second one just came off the needles this morning so it isn't blocked.) Pretty fantastic, don't you think? I'm so excited to have this gorgeous heirloom almost done. I've had new people join our monthly classes so they will continue until everyone has a completed afghan.

This has been such a great learning experience for everyone. You learn every kind of cable imaginable, how to read charts, different ways to increase and decrease, lace knitting, how to fix mistakes, all of the common knitting abbreviations, and since each one is only a 12" x 12" square, they knit up pretty quickly and they are never boring! I think I can say that everyone who has been involved is a better knitter for the effort.

Since I've knit each one myself, I've corrected all of the pattern errors (there were quite a few) and for each class I provide tips and techniques such as knitting cables without a cable needle and I've simplified many of the charts. I've already designed one of the squares and I hope to design the final square. If you've ever considered knitting an afghan, this one is a beauty. Stop by and see all 17 squares!

Click here for class information.

The Lizard Ridge

Several people have finished this striking afghan by Laura Aylor and the requests for this class keep coming! The Lizard Ridge, using Noro Kureyon, takes full advantage of Noro's great colors. The short row technique can be a bit daunting at first, but I provide simplified instructional hand outs and tips for knitting them fast! We've also come up with a different finishing technique that makes each square dazzle. Best of all, we have over 25 colors of Kureyon to choose from!

The next class will be Wednesday, October 15 at 6:30 p.m.

If you weren't here last Friday night, you missed a great party! Miss Cory made all of the food and it was delicious. Thank you, baby. And thanks to Catherine for her great cheesecake, Karen for her yummy pound cake and Pat for her chocolatey good coffeecake. Kris, Kelli, and Tracy won fabulous prizes and a great time was had by all. Don't miss the next one!

And in other knitting news...sleeves, and more sleeves. The sleeves for my Medallion Tunic are almost ready for armholes decreases and my first Catherine Parr sleeve; well, it's coming.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't tell you how beautiful your store is and the selection is amazing! I live in the Chicago Beverly area and although there is an LYS closer to my house, I'm going to Nana's from now on. Can't wait to come in again and show you how I'm progressing with my Pastaza sweater and buy more yarn.

11:47 AM  

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